The best thing in order to determine the house price you can afford is to get in contact with a mortgage company or bank. Generally the way a buyer is qualified is using his income and his debt. Banks or mortgage companies use a ratio between income and debt in order to determine the maximum amount a person can borrow. Also, a credit report is determined factor to qualify for a loan or mortgage.
In choosing the right place, a buyer should consider how much he is willing to pay for a house. The monthly payment should be an amount that the buyer feels comfortable with. Other important factors are school district for their children, commuting distance from work, closer to shopping centers or areas of interest, etc. It is important that buyer pays close attention to his/her personal circumstance to set priorities in choosing the right house.
If you have a Realtor you have nothing to lose but a lot to gain. Generally Realtors get a commission from the sale of a house and such commission is paid by the seller. Realtors are going to legally represent your interests even if their commission is paid by the seller. A Realtor has access to information about the Real Estate market and can customize your search and show you the houses according to your personal needs. A Realtor can help you in negotiating the price of the home you are interested in acquiring and also can help you qualify through a bank in order to obtain the necessary credit to purchase the house. Also, at no charge to you, the Realtor can help you apply to the Mortgage company, arrange a Home Inspection, provide legal documents to the Real Estate attorney who will handle the transaction, and do everything that is necessary to get to settlement. If you are thinking of buying a house, please call me or text me and I will be very glad help you.
YES. Home Inspections are paid by the buyer. Usually along with a termite report. It is a good investment because it provides the buyer with potential problems the house may have and are not disclosed by the seller. It is in the best interest of the buyer to hire a home inspector before buying a house. In the event that the house has serious problems that the seller is not willing to fix, the buyer will still have to pay for the inspection but at least he/she will not be buying a house with costly defects to fix.
YES. If seller does not wish to pay for it, buyer should acquire it. It generally is for one year and covers mayor problems of the house you are buying such as central air, heating and hot water systems, appliances in general. Most likely it comes with a deductible per item covered.